Active Attendee
To err is Human... Thank Qo'noS I'm a Klingon.
Posts: 89
"Cordoba is no traitor..." K'rahl said, slightly confused. Then he realised the problem... 'Stella'... 'Estelitta'... They had the same first name in different Terran languages. K'Hare's old insular attitude must have surfaced and his brain had failed him. He'd linked the similar names and come up with the wrong outcome. "It seems K'Hare has sent you on a false errand." he said, barely hiding his pleasure, "I knew both Stella Sinatra and Estelitta Cordoba. The first is a Daemon, a creature of evil. Dressed as a Human-Vulcan, destinctive by her glowing blue eyes. The second is a very competent Federation officer, granted she cuts corners and flys close to the Star Fleet rules. It is Sinatra that is the traitor, the murderer and the Blue-eyed Daemon. Cordoba is a good person." "I am sorry I cannot help you. K'Hare should learn more of our neighbouring races."