Fourth Annual BF betleH Tournament
Last one out, turn off the lights >> Time to go >> Rogue 5 - Departures

Message started by Taylor on Mar 11th, 2006, 5:03pm

Title: Rogue 5 - Departures
Post by Taylor on Mar 11th, 2006, 5:03pm

OOC If any Rogues want to say good bye to Taylor before they leave, this is the place to do it.


<< Promenade - Serenity Base >>

Dan stood in the exact same spot he had earlier when Jenkins had spoken to him, today he wasn't going over what had happened in his mind. it was almost as if a switch had been flicked in his brain when things had been sorted the night before. He no longer cared about the events in Jefferson's room. Intel had been true to their word, Dan had been woken at 09:00 hours by a comm message from Starfleet Command informing him of his new status as Commanding Officer of Serenity Base and Task Force 72, it had been the perfect time for him to make a few requests of his own only time would tell now if Starfleet would accept his requests.

Operations was a mess, Dan had absolutely no ETA of when SCE would arrive to begin repairs, it was beyond Havermeyer's abilities to fix with the other damage to the station and essential repairs to the Reagan and Monitor.

Lost in his thoughts Dan didn't see or hear Jackie approaching, blade in hand.


Title: Re: Rogue 5 - Departures
Post by Jackie Clawson on Mar 11th, 2006, 5:28pm

Jackie barely slept through the night, having spent most of it wondering a variety of things, from what happened in the last 3 days to what happened on day 3, to the conversations she’d had with several of the Klingons, to her trying to sort the problem out with K’Vok and even trying to count how much bloodwine she’d drank last night alone.

How the past few days have made her feel really, despite all that had happened. Part of her didn't really want to leave, she was tempted to ask K'Hare if she could join KDB and train with them there, but she knew she would have to go back to the Horizon and take over Task Force 58. She’d been surprised at how little work related to the Horizon she’d done over the last few days, she hadn’t even had a lot of thoughts about her ship, or the Task Force in the last few days.

‘well gee.. wonder why?’ she dryly thought to herself as she pinned her fighter’s insignia to her uniform before leaving her quarters for the last time and heading off to the wall of honour to pick up the blade K’Hare had given her.

Hefting the blade up she swung it around and held it by her side with one hand as she made a move towards the promenade.

‘speaking of which…how exactly are you gonna get home…?’ she asked herself, ‘Horizon’s not exactly…here. ‘ she blinked lightly, ‘well I’m sure someone can give you a lift….just so long as it ain’t Ta’pez or K’Vok…’ she thought.

The Caitian clicked her tongue against her teeth before moving on. The Promenade was familiar now to her, this was where she met Lt Chadwick after all…and she’s not seen him since the incident the night before; but she knew he wasn’t pleased. She knew he was disappointed, but Jackie wasn’t sure if she should confront him now or let him steam a little and talk things out later on. Try to explain it to him why she did what she did, once she figured it out herself in full and provided Starfleet hadn’t caught up with her and made a bigger deal out of her involvement into last night’s ‘skirmish’. Jackie wasn’t too worried about loosing her commission or anything of that sort; she knew what she did was right at the time, and she’d stand by her actions either way.  

And there was someone else she had to talk to, the Catnapper…Part of her needed to thank him for making her come here, part or her wanted to slap him, part of her wanted to make sure he was okay after last night’s events.  She wasn’t quite sure where he was even now…

She shifted her blade from one hand to the other, and then her eyes narrowed as she spotted a familiar figure in the distance. Quickening her step, Jackie made her way over to the male who seemed quite lost in thoughts.

“Lots on your mind?” she asked her tone soft, yet carrying a note of concern for the man just from that single phrase the Caitian spoke.

Title: Re: Rogue 5 - Departures
Post by Taylor on Mar 12th, 2006, 6:18am

Dan smiled as he heard Jackies voice "Morning Killer" he lapsed in to silence again for a few moments his thoughts churning like waves again. Eventually he calmed himself enough to speak to Jackie.

"I wanted to thank you for your help yesterday" He turned to face her "It may not seem like a big thing to you, but to me it was. There aren't many people in the universe I can count on to help me commit mayhem" he smiled "At least there aren't many people I don't have to pay"

"The Astalder is standing by to return you to Horizon, you should be back there in a day at the most. Do you think your ready to take on your new role?"

Title: Re: Rogue 5 - Departures
Post by Jackie Clawson on Mar 12th, 2006, 7:34am

Jackie winced mentally as he called her that, the Caitian stayed silent as Taylor composed himself. The blade in her hand will forever remind her of how exactly she gained it.

"Don't mention it; I assure you, you can count on my help anytime." Jackie spoke with full meaning in the words as the Caitian looked back at Taylor.

"Astalder?" she queried, well that took care of how she was going to get back to the Horizon. "best hope I won't get itchy to fly it" she smirked.

" role... I should be, but we'll know when I get there won't we?" she spoke with a light nod and a smile. Jackie paused, recounting her thoughts for a moment, the Caitian shifted her blade from one hand to the other again. She'll definitely miss the action and the people she's met in the last few days, well most of the people anyway.

"I just want to thank you for... brining me here, even if it was done in a somewhat... unorthodox fashion" she smiled lightly. "few people go quite that far, especially if they've just met me." she said. "I hope this wasn't a one off acquantance. Perhaps next time I'll be the one commiting the mayhem." she spoke, "I've not done it in a long time now."

Title: Re: Rogue 5 - Departures
Post by Taylor on Mar 12th, 2006, 8:00am

Dan reached up and winced as he touched the bruise forming on his cheek bone, he caught the slightly quizical look on Jackies face as he did that. "Sorry" he said with a smile "Someone threw a mug at me earlier"

He worked his facial muscles a few times until the pain lessened.

"Jackie" He said as he stoped moving his jaw "I did what I wish someone had done for me, I could have done with a wider view of the fleet before I took on 86. I'm going to be around in the fleet for a while longer at least. I'm sure our paths will cross again eventually" he smiled "Who knows, perhaps I'll end up in the Raeyan Sector myself before too long"

Title: Re: Rogue 5 - Departures
Post by Jackie Clawson on Mar 12th, 2006, 3:28pm

"Dan... you did what you had to do. Sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands because nobody else will" Jackie spoke her eyes locked on Taylor.  "I might never know the full story of things, but..." she trailed off looking for the right words, "it's not going to stop me from backing you up again if there's a need for that" she smiled.

"And if you're in the Raeyan Sector, you'd probably know where to find me" she smirked lightly, "I'm sure we'll keep in touch one way or another; I'd like to come back and speak to Lieutenant Chadwick too at some point."  she glanced around "He doesn't seem to be too fond of you after..." she trailed off "but he's a good officer. But... be careful, if he tries anything against you." she added.

She glanced at her blade for a moment, the blade brought back the memories from last night in an instant. The Caitian's ears twitched lightly, yep, this was going to be replaying itself in her mind for a long time everytime she looked at the blade. She realised there was al ong silence between the two.

Jackie took in a breath, she gently reached out and rubbed at his bruise with the back of her hand being careful not to cause him pain. "best get that looked at" she said. "course.. heh I bet my new CMO'll have a field day with me once I get back" she smirked, "If he can get me into sickbay that is"

Title: Re: Rogue 5 - Departures
Post by K`Hare totlh on Mar 13th, 2006, 8:41pm

K'Hare had just gotten noticed of being cleared to leave and went looking for Dan.  When he found him, he was talking to Jackie.  They seemed to be having a serious conversation, but he felt no qualms about interrupting them.

He walked up to them with a simple greeting.  "Nice blade."

Title: Re: Rogue 5 - Departures
Post by Jackie Clawson on Mar 16th, 2006, 2:38am

"K'Hare!" Jackie smiled, briefly holding up the blade in his direction. "Didn't expect to see you again before  departure."

Title: Re: Rogue 5 - Departures
Post by K`Hare totlh on Mar 16th, 2006, 1:13pm

K'Hare looked at the back of his comm badge and noted the time.  It was mid morning, but close enough to lunch that if made sense to stay on the station a while longer.

"Well, we will soon depart.  I just received my clearance to leave, the jefferson matter is apparently closed and we have been released.  I think someone,"  he nodded at Taylor, "has been lobbying on our behalf.  I've never known starfleet to move so quickly."

Title: Re: Rogue 5 - Departures
Post by Jackie Clawson on Mar 17th, 2006, 4:25pm

Jackie smirked.

"Well apparently I just found out how I'm leaving" she said, stealing a glance at Taylor.  "Jefferson matter may have been closed, but for how long." she wondered more to herself than to others, although she's said it outloud. "Surely there is a possibity of...." she trailed off, lightly swinging her blade as she chose the words, "Jefferson supporters coming after Dan or any of us. Dan most likely, considering things that happened. " she noted, her mind wandering over to Chadwick; she's had no chance to speak to him after the incident , and she knew he wasn't too fond of Taylor, but the Caitian wasn't sure she should approach the Lieutenant just yet. Perhaps with time he will understand.

Title: Re: Rogue 5 - Departures
Post by K`Hare totlh on Mar 17th, 2006, 5:01pm

"Let them come.  I can only hope they come to KDB first."  He said it knowing that they already worked in shadows.  Sadly, they would stay away from the Klingon base.  It would be Taylor they wanted and Neirbo or Clawson that would get attacked to hurt him.

Title: Re: Rogue 5 - Departures
Post by Jackie Clawson on Mar 17th, 2006, 5:11pm

"Some of them may already be part of Serenity's crew" Jackie noted.

Title: Re: Rogue 5 - Departures
Post by K`Hare totlh on Mar 17th, 2006, 8:08pm

"I trust Dan knows better than you or I."

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