Bravofleet Klingon Connection - betleH pages

Each year Bravofleet has a betleH competition. This site is the central location for that event.
Year 1 - The tournament was located on the USS Saturn in TF44. The events were archived on its Yahoo! mailing list.
Year 2 - The tournament was located on Klach D'kel Brakt, the Klingon Starbase in TF86. The events were archived on its Yahoo! mailing list.
Year 3 - The tournament was located at Xavier Fleet Yards. The events were archived on a forum. The attendees and awards are archived here.
Year 4 - The tournament was located at Serenity Base in TF72. The events were archived on a forum. The attendees and awards are archived here.
Year 5 - The tournament is located at the Khitomer ship yards. The events are archived on a forum. The attendees and awards are archived here.

Database of rules, attendees, and awards.

Year 3 Forum

Year 4 Forum

Year 5 Forum

This site contains content related to Play by Email and Play by Forum role-playing games. It is part of the BravoFleet group of sims, a network of over 150 games and 1500 players. Some content of individual games may be inappropriate for those under 13. Some individual games may be more restrictive.

The content of this domain should be consistent with the sort of things that would be seen when watching Star Trek on TV.

Credits:  The following are some of K`Hare's favorite sites.  They are here and on my links pages because these are the places where I have shamelessly looted images.  These places have contributed to my enjoyment of trek through there web content.  

The rank insignias on this site where created by Steven Marriott, originally for the Tango Fleet PBE-RPG. Please do not copy the images. If you wish to obtain them and an up-to-date copy either access the Tango Fleet Website, or visit the RPG-Insignias Website. You will find all the information you need on these, and many other insignia images. Steve is more than happy to pass along his work to anyone who takes the time to simply ask..